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Since 1923, the Utah Wool Growers Association has represented the lamb and wool-producing farmers, ranchers and livestock operators of Utah. The UWGA represents and supports its members in local, state, and national issues that affect this vital agricultural industry. Do your part in helping our friends and associates by becoming a member of the Utah Wool Growers Association. In doing so, you will also receive our bi-monthly newsletter.


Should You Join?


Yes! If you are interested in both promoting and supporting the sheep industry here in the state of Utah. Our members include farm flocks, range producers, breeders, 4-H members, FFA students, feeders and others.


Why I’m a Utah Wool Grower member:


I am becoming more and more convinced that the best opportunity for survival of this industry is unity. When we speak, we must speak with one voice, and when we act, we
must act with a unified purpose. Our national organization, A.S.I., has been instrumental
in introducing and following through with legislation that has likely saved our industry,
and the Utah Wool Growers Association has been one of A.S.I.’s major supporters. I
believe we have one of the strongest agricultural representations in Washington D. C., and the only way we can maintain that representation is through participation in our state and local organizations.

Current Issues

September 14, 2016

In April of 2015 the Department of Labor proposed new rules for H-2A herders . Fid more information on how this affects you as a producer here. 

September 14, 2016

Find out how bighorn sheep could impact your allotment and the steps you need to take. 

September 14, 2016

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), a total of 247,2001 head of sheep and lambs were killed by predators in 2009. However, a note to be aware of is that NASS only reports lambs lost after docking. Lambs lost prior to docking are not counted. The American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) estimates that approximatley 30 percent of predation in lambs occurs prior to docking. According to data collected from five western states that reported pre-docking, lamb-loss numbers in 2004, ASI estimates an additional 50,000 to 60,000 lambs were lost across the entire nation prior to docking. This adjustment raises the total number of sheep and lamb losses from 247,200 to nearly 300,000. Common Predators - Coyotes were

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